top note…fresh, fruity
middle note…flowery, voluptuous
base note…sweet, musky
Confidential... In the sweltering heat of the dunes, lose yourself to this sudden and unexpected fruity freshness. A sensual and carnal scent, preceded by a warm amber note, invites you to continue the journey. A resolutely discreet fragrance, which reveals itself to those who diserve it...
What ingredients is this fragrance made of? Where is it produce? What are the delivery times and options,
or our advices to get the most out of your fragrance? We tell you everything below!
Although originally an animal raw material, musk has for many years been reproduced exclusively through synthesis. This ingredient reveals an irresistible animal note, sensual and enveloping. It is also used as a fixative to give fullness and order to the ingredients in a formula.

Melon is a fruit from which we cannot extract the smell naturally because it is very rich in water. Its thirst-quenching scent is reproduced through synthesis. Its smell is fruity, slightly sweet, with aquatic facets. It brings freshness to musky notes.
Lily of the valley is a mute flower, which scent cannot be extracted naturally. It is therefore reconstituted using synthesis to reproduce its fresh, subtle, green and fruity perfume. It is used in many fragrances, especially as a middle note.

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Parfait ! Mais je regrette de ne pas avoir pris le 100 ml !
Un petit mot simple pour vous dire que votre eau de parfum m'accompagne depuis plusieurs années, et qu'en cette période compliquée c'est toujours un plaisir de mettre musc le matin ! Longue vie à Carrément Belle et merci ??
Je mettais musc il y a des années... Je suis ravie de le retrouver !
Le musc est juste parfait, comme dans mon enfance. Je suis totalement fan. Merci!!
Le musc est de loin mon parfum préféré, ma madeleine de Proust. Il me rappelle les plus belles années de ma vie lorsque je vivais en Angleterre. Mon "âge d'or" en quelque sorte... Cette fragrance évoque pour moi la douceur, le coton, la soie, une impression de cocon dans lequel je me sens en sécurité.