New year, new fragrance? Let yourself be tempted by our samples set!
Stock up on perfumes in January to take advantage of the current prices: we explain why we must slightly increase them...
Try our perfumes
The collection
For the skin or at home, for yourself or as a gift... we create confidential and bold fragrances for your fine and curious noses! How do you like your perfume?
Eaux de parfumEau de parfum is your daily fragrance, the one to spray as you wish through the day! Intimate or bewitching, sweet or wild, floral or sweet, spicy or woody and sometimes all at once: find in our collection your second skin!
Pure perfumesHighly concentrated in raw materials, they are even more intense than the eaux de parfum and will stick to your skin longer. Precious and powerful fragrances to be sprayed sparingly: on your skin time passes, but your fragrance remains...
IncensesWith the incense, our fragrances go up in smoke! Produced in France and India according to traditional art, they embalm your home and create a soothing atmosphere. Presented in their colourful cases, they form a pretty decorative bouquet to delight all your senses...
SCENTED SETSElegantly wrapped in their candy-like box, the scented sets allow you to savour your fragrance in many ways, with sweet prices! 6 sets corresponding to 6 personalities: which one is most like you? For you or to offer, here is an inspired gift...
CABINET OF CURIOSITIESTake a look in our cabinet of curiosities and discover accessories that will become indispensable for writing down your precious ideas, for a makeover or for accessorising your outfits. A different way to adopt new scented gestures...
SKIN PERFUMESWhether you are faithful to a fragrance or the kind of person to change regularly, whether you like to leave a trail behind your steps or prefer discreet fragrances... find your second skin among our creations and vary in intensity with eaux de parfum or pure perfumes!
Home fragrancesWhat better way to feel good at home than to curl up in the comforting scent of your favourite fragrance? With candles and incenses, our perfumes to burn warm your heart and invite you to enjoy long fragrant naps…
Perfumes for womanIf you consider that the rose is dedicated to feminine fragrances, then this selection could help you. For us, all ingredients are unisex and perfume is a subjective art: it chooses you. So don't forget: if you like a perfume, it is made for you!
Perfumes for manIs a woody fragrance necessarily masculine? If you think so, this selection will reassure you... But beware: perfume has no code, and ingredients have no gender. So be curious and dare to smell all the fragrances, even those that seem rather feminine to you!
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